Providing support to all spinal cord injured quadriplegics with post injuries.


1. To establish an organisation for the benefit of all spinal cord injured quadriplegics in the Cape Town Metropole

2. To assist various quadriplegic homes schools clubs and individuals

3. To help quadriplegics post injury through educational emotional psychological occupational physical employment and financial means

4. To raise funds in order to assist these entities and individuals who attempt to survive on disability grants


My name is Ian Hamilton and I’m a quadriplegic and Founder of The Quad – Squad 
When i was at Stellenbosch University in 1994 a certified paranoid schizophrenic woman shot four people in broad daylight with a firearm. I was shot through my spinal cord and as a result became a quadriplegic with limited function and sensation 
While i have been fortunate thus far in my life to financially sustain my necessary medical requirements, many other injured quadriplegics are not in the same position. The extraordinary high costs of living with a spinal cord injury are hardly covered by the State or medical aid companies. As a result, this poses severe and life – threatening challenges to those living with quadriplegia on a daily basis. I have been a quadriplegic for almost 30 years and appreciate and understand the impact of this condition and the struggles many quadriplegics have to endure. It is for many of the above reasons that i formed The Quad – Squad 
To help a marginalised group of people in the city of Cape Town to have access to a normal and active life 


Physical Needs

To access the supply of wheelchairs medical apparatus shower chairs splints medical aid contributions etc.

Educational Needs

Access to medical knowledge information and doctors that will help them undertand and comprehend the nature and complexities of the injury better.

Emotional and Psychological Needs

With the aid and intervention of counselling psychologists and social workers to deal with their lives and situational realities.

Occupational Needs

With the input and practical benefit of occupational therapists to assist with rehabilitation and functional dependency issues after hospitalisation.

Employment Needs

To help quadriplegics enter the workforce and find suitable sustainable employment.

Financial Needs

To procure financial aid and contributions through donations towards aiding of home carers drivers school and university subsidies home adaptation accessibility devices.


First National Bank

Account: 63038411574

Branch Code: 250 655

Reg.No.IT000352/2022 (c)